Matches 2,101 to 2,150 of 2,315
# |
Notes |
Linked to |
2101 |
Train accident | MCELRAVY, Vida (I35938)
2102 |
Train accident | OLMSTEAD, Francis Esther (I35957)
2103 |
Train accident | DEAN, Donald "Jack" (I35959)
2104 |
Travelled to the USA | BLUNT, Myron (I39060)
2105 |
Travelled with family through Detroit, Michigan to the states | WIBBERLEY, Nina Margaret (I36889)
2106 |
Twin of Elisabeth | STAGG, Margrieta (I13285)
2107 |
twin to Alexander | KEYES, George Stuart (I27742)
2108 |
twin to Arthur | KEYES, George Shepard (I27851)
2109 |
twin to Avie | KEYES, Evie (I27536)
2110 |
twin to Evie | KEYES, Avie (I27535)
2111 |
twin to George | KEYES, Alexander Brooks (I27741)
2112 |
twin to George | KEYES, Arthur French (I27852)
2113 |
twin to Liberty | KEYES, Lydia (I27488)
2114 |
twin to Lydia | KEYES, Liberty (I27485)
2115 |
twin to Sylvester | KEYES, Miranda (I18593)
2116 |
Twin to William. Recorded at marriage as sojourner of Upton Pyne. The banns were read 17th & 24th June 1810 and 7th July 1810. The marriage was witnessed by Mary OLDRIDGE and Mary HAYNE. Both Elizabeth and James signed their names on the register. | OLDRIDGE, Elizabeth (I21274)
2117 |
two children | MERRIAM, Joseph (I17062)
2118 |
two children | KEYES, Harriet (I22039)
2119 |
two children - names not given | KEYES, Nancy E. (I22703)
2120 |
two daughters and one son - no names given | KEYES, Ira (I22735)
2121 |
two sons and on daughter | KEYES, Mary Ann (I27317)
2122 |
two sons and one daughter | KEYES, Isaiah (I26657)
2123 |
two sons and one daughter - liv Nelson NH | KEYES, Emily (I17436)
2124 |
two sons and one daughter - unnamed | KEYES, Christopher C. (I18594)
2125 |
two unnamed children | KEYES, Isreal (I17558)
2126 |
two unnamed children | KEYES, Calvin Winslow (I22844)
2127 |
two unnamed children | KYES, James Mark (I22993)
2128 |
two unnamed children | KEYES, Anna Geneviene (I27756)
2129 |
two unnamed children by Eliza - they died early before their mother | KEYES, Franklin L. (I22864)
2130 |
two unnamed dau and two unnamed sons - one son was Col Burnham Postmaster of Hartford | KEYES, Sarah (I26635)
2131 |
two unnamed daughters | KEYES, Russell Melzo (I18194)
2132 |
two unnamed daughters | KEYES, Seth (I18535)
2133 |
two unnamed sons | KEYES, Albert (I17227)
2134 |
two unnamed sons | KEYES, Laurinda M. (I22954)
2135 |
two unnamed wives | KEYES, Charles James (I18311)
2136 |
Typhoid Fever | OLMSTEAD, Warren (I189)
2137 |
Typhoid Fever | KNUTSON, Ludvik (Louie) (I621)
2138 |
Typhoid Fever | CALDWELL, George (I37749)
2139 |
ÙCbÙDÙC/bÙD | DUPONT, Arthemise Alphonsine (I30640)
2140 |
ÙCiÙD"(Compton) News was received here of the death of Mr. O.B. Green in chicago, Ill on Sunday last, aged 78 yrs. He was a son-in-law of the late Hazen Pomroy"ÙC/iÙD. (From Journal dated Jan.3.1907) - From Micki | GREEN, Oliver Bourne (I38590)
2141 |
ÙCiÙD"(So. Bolton), Mr. David Painter died Nov.29, 1940 inWhittier, CA aged 82 yrs. He was the brother-in-law of Mrs. Hattie Greene of Grand'Mere, Que & Rev. E.M. Taylor of Knowlton". ÙC/iÙD(Vital Statistics from the Stanstead Journal - Pg. 129) From Micki Mistretta. | PAINTER, David (I21640)
2142 |
ÙCiÙD"At East Hatley, June 30, 1895, of paralysis, Betsey Mansur, wife of the late Hiram Davis, and daug of the late Daniel Mansur, aged 69 yrs & 4 mos. - ÙC/iÙDPg. 65 Obituary in Journal Aug.1 1895) | MANSUR, Betsey C. (I34647)
2143 |
ÙCiÙD"Died Apr 8 1858, In Lowell, Mass, Cynthia daughter of Horace Mansur of Stanstead aged 22 years" (From Micki Mistretta, Vital Statistics, Stanstead Journal)ÙC/iÙD | MANSUR, Cynthia (I35235)
2144 |
ÙCiÙD"Died at Manchester, New Hampshire, Oct. 22, 1865 of typhoid fever, Daniel Mansur Jr. son of Daniel & Hannah Mansur of this town, aged 33 years", - Pg. 50 - From Micki.ÙC/iÙD | MANSUR, Daniel (I34769)
2145 |
ÙCiÙD"Died in Seward, Ill., Apr 19.1864, Ruth M., daughter of the late Daniel Mansur, of this town, & wife of Charles Sargeant, aged 58". ÙC/iÙD (From Micki - Stanstead Journal) | MANSUR, Ruth (I34080)
2146 |
ÙCiÙD"Died in this town, May 22, 1863, Mrs. Nancy Mansur, widow of the late Daniel Mansur, aged 87 yrs 2 mos."ÙC/iÙD | DAVIS, Nancy (I2318)
2147 |
ÙCiÙD"Died July 29, 1857 in Lowell, Mass. Susan S, wife of Horace Mansur, formerly of Stanstead aged 53 years." - ÙC/iÙDPg. 81 (From Micki) | SARGENT, Susan (I34966)
2148 |
ÙCiÙD"Henry G. Lane, outstanding resident of So. Bolton died at his home there Jan.15, 1947 in his 91st year. He was born in England & came to Brome County some 60 years ago. He married Rebekah Taylor, a member of a pioneer family of the No Potton-So. Bolton area".ÙC/iÙD (Vital Statistics from the Stanstead Journal - Pg. 82) (From: Micki Mistretta) | LANE, Henry G. (I21744)
2149 |
ÙCiÙD"Married in this town, May 1, 1865, by Rev. J. Tomkins, David Wilkey to Mary M. Mansur, daughter of Capt Daniel Mansur, all of Stanstead. (From Micki Mistretta)ÙC/iÙD | MANSUR, Mary M. (I34775)
2150 |
ÙCiÙD"Miss Mary Pomeroy Green, 88, descendant of a pioneer of Stanstead & for many years a resident of chicago Il. died Feb.4.1945. She was a dau. of the late Mr. and Mrs Oliver Bourne Green & her maternal grandparents were Hazen & Lois (Mansur) Pomeroy"ÙC/iÙD. (From Micki - Vital Statistics of Stanstead) Pg. 46. | GREEN, Mary Pomeroy (I38591)