BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 140 1 2 3 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
ALAIRE, Jean Baptiste | 25 Jun 1757 | Que., Cda | I1684 |
2 |
ALAIRE, Jean Hilaire | 23 Jul 1759 | Que., Cda | I1685 |
3 |
ALAIRE, Marie Angelique | 23 Sep 1752 | Que., Cda | I1682 |
4 |
ALAIRE, Marie Marthe | 24 Feb 1748 | Que., Cda | I1680 |
5 |
ALAIRE, Marie Ursule | 26 Oct 1754 | Que., Cda | I1683 |
6 |
ALAIRE, Pierre | Abt 1746 | Que., Cda | I1686 |
7 |
BELANGER, Anne | 27 Jul 1664 | Que., Cda | I4447 |
8 |
BELANGER, Charles | 19 Aug 1640 | Que., Cda | I4437 |
9 |
BELANGER, Elizabeth | 1692 | Que., Cda | I4395 |
10 |
BELANGER, Francoise Charlotte | 30 Jun 1650 | Que., Cda | I25710 |
11 |
BELANGER, Genevieve | 1659 | Que., Cda | I4444 |
12 |
BELANGER, Guillaume | 4 Apr 1661 | Que., Cda | I4445 |
13 |
BELANGER, Jacques | 30 Jul 1662 | Que., Cda | I26792 |
14 |
BELANGER, Jean Francois | 15 Feb 1648 | Que., Cda | I2416 |
15 |
BELANGER, Louis | 9 Jan 1655 | Que., Cda | I4428 |
16 |
BELANGER, Louise | 1657 | Que., Cda | I24150 |
17 |
BELANGER, Marguerite | 23 Nov 1645 | Que., Cda | I4439 |
18 |
BELANGER, Marie Madeleine | 15 Feb 1643 | Que., Cda | I4438 |
19 |
BELANGER, Mathurine | 11 Jun 1652 | Que., Cda | I4442 |
20 |
BELANGER, Nicolas | 1638 | Que., Cda | I4436 |
21 |
BOUCHARD, Agnes | 19 Mar 1675 | Que., Cda | I4475 |
22 |
BOUCHARD, Angelique | 25 Feb 1673 | Que., Cda | I4422 |
23 |
BOUCHARD, Elisabeth | 10 Nov 1677 | Que., Cda | I27340 |
24 |
BOUCHARD, Ignace | 25 Feb 1682 | Que., Cda | I4426 |
25 |
BOUCHARD, Marie Marthe | | Que., Cda | I4425 |
26 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | 1637 | Que., Cda | I4376 |
27 |
BOUCHARD, Pierre | 1 Nov 1679 | Que., Cda | I4424 |
28 |
BRISSET, Bernard (Courchesne) | 1678 | Que., Cda | I1518 |
29 |
BRISSET, Jacques | 1648 | Que., Cda | I1520 |
30 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | 11 Oct 1745 | Que., Cda | I4365 |
31 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | 12 Jun 1755 | Que., Cda | I4367 |
32 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | 6 Aug 1738 | Que., Cda | I4359 |
33 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | 20 Mar 1742 | Que., Cda | I4362 |
34 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | 22 Aug 1740 | Que., Cda | I4361 |
35 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | 24 Mar 1743 | Que., Cda | I4363 |
36 |
CAMPAGNA, Etienne | | Que., Cda | I4372 |
37 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 12 Apr 1734 | Que., Cda | I4356 |
38 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 16 Jun 1735 | Que., Cda | I4355 |
39 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 3 Sep 1737 | Que., Cda | I4358 |
40 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 5 Aug 1757 | Que., Cda | I4368 |
41 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Baptiste | | Que., Cda | I4369 |
42 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Marie | 13 Mar 1744 | Que., Cda | I4364 |
43 |
CAMPAGNA, Joseph | 17 Jun 1736 | Que., Cda | I4357 |
44 |
CAMPAGNA, Marie Therese | 1 Aug 1739 | Que., Cda | I4360 |
45 |
CARON, Baby | 22 Mar 1736 | Que., Cda | I4500 |
46 |
CARON, Michel | 6 Mar 1734 | Que., Cda | I4499 |
47 |
CASSE, Angelique | 15 Aug 1701 | Que., Cda | I1600 |
48 |
COTE, Jean | 25 Feb 1644 | Que., Cda | I4341 |
49 |
COTE, Louis | 25 Oct 1635 | Que., Cda | I25730 |
50 |
COTE, Martin | 12 Jul 1639 | Que., Cda | I4339 |
1 2 3 Next»
ChristeningMatches 1 to 50 of 115 1 2 3 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christening |
Person ID |
1 |
BELANGER, Anne | | Que., Cda | I4447 |
2 |
BELANGER, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4437 |
3 |
BELANGER, Elizabeth | | Que., Cda | I4395 |
4 |
BELANGER, Francoise Charlotte | | Que., Cda | I25710 |
5 |
BELANGER, Genevieve | | Que., Cda | I4444 |
6 |
BELANGER, Guillaume | | Que., Cda | I4445 |
7 |
BELANGER, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I26792 |
8 |
BELANGER, Jean Francois | | Que., Cda | I2416 |
9 |
BELANGER, Louis | | Que., Cda | I4428 |
10 |
BELANGER, Louise | | Que., Cda | I24150 |
11 |
BELANGER, Marguerite | | Que., Cda | I4439 |
12 |
BELANGER, Marie Madeleine | | Que., Cda | I4438 |
13 |
BELANGER, Mathurine | | Que., Cda | I4442 |
14 |
BELANGER, Nicolas | | Que., Cda | I4436 |
15 |
BOUCHARD, Agnes | | Que., Cda | I4475 |
16 |
BOUCHARD, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I4422 |
17 |
BOUCHARD, Elisabeth | | Que., Cda | I27340 |
18 |
BOUCHARD, Ignace | | Que., Cda | I4426 |
19 |
BOUCHARD, Marie Marthe | | Que., Cda | I4425 |
20 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | | Que., Cda | I4376 |
21 |
BOUCHARD, Pierre | | Que., Cda | I4424 |
22 |
BRISSET, Bernard (Courchesne) | | Que., Cda | I1518 |
23 |
BRISSET, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1520 |
24 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | | Que., Cda | I4365 |
25 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | | Que., Cda | I4367 |
26 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4359 |
27 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4362 |
28 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | | Que., Cda | I4361 |
29 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | | Que., Cda | I4363 |
30 |
CAMPAGNA, Etienne | | Que., Cda | I4372 |
31 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4355 |
32 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4358 |
33 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4368 |
34 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Baptiste | | Que., Cda | I4369 |
35 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Marie | | Que., Cda | I4364 |
36 |
CAMPAGNA, Joseph | | Que., Cda | I4357 |
37 |
CAMPAGNA, Marie Therese | | Que., Cda | I4360 |
38 |
CARON, Baby | | Que., Cda | I4500 |
39 |
CARON, Michel | | Que., Cda | I4499 |
40 |
CASSE, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I1600 |
41 |
COTE, Jean | | Que., Cda | I4341 |
42 |
COTE, Louis | | Que., Cda | I25730 |
43 |
COTE, Martin | | Que., Cda | I4339 |
44 |
COTE, Mathieu | | Que., Cda | I4340 |
45 |
COTE, Simone | | Que., Cda | I4338 |
46 |
COTIN, Marie | 31 Aug 1697 | Que., Cda | I4031 |
47 |
DANDONNEAU, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1526 |
48 |
DANDONNEAU, Marguerite | | Que., Cda | I1521 |
49 |
DANDONNEAU, Pierre (Dusable) | | Que., Cda | I1524 |
50 |
DERAINVILLE, Marie | | Que., Cda | I4448 |
1 2 3 Next»
DeathMatches 1 to 50 of 128 1 2 3 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
ALAIRE, Catherine | 20 Nov 1753 | Que., Cda | I1712 |
2 |
BELANGER, Anne | | Que., Cda | I4447 |
3 |
BELANGER, Charles | 15 Dec 1692 | Que., Cda | I4437 |
4 |
BELANGER, Elizabeth | | Que., Cda | I4395 |
5 |
BELANGER, Francois | Between 25 Oct 1685 and 1687 | Que., Cda | I4431 |
6 |
BELANGER, Francoise Charlotte | | Que., Cda | I25710 |
7 |
BELANGER, Genevieve | | Que., Cda | I4444 |
8 |
BELANGER, Guillaume | 1661 | Que., Cda | I4445 |
9 |
BELANGER, Jacques | 17 Aug 1699 | Que., Cda | I26792 |
10 |
BELANGER, Jean Francois | 13 Sep 1699 | Que., Cda | I2416 |
11 |
BELANGER, Louise | | Que., Cda | I24150 |
12 |
BELANGER, Marguerite | 13 Dec 1666 | Que., Cda | I4439 |
13 |
BELANGER, Marie Madeleine | | Que., Cda | I4438 |
14 |
BELANGER, Mathurine | | Que., Cda | I4442 |
15 |
BIDET, Marie Madeleine | | Que., Cda | I322 |
16 |
BOUCHARD, Agnes | 28 Mar 1758 | Que., Cda | I4475 |
17 |
BOUCHARD, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I4422 |
18 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | | Que., Cda | I4427 |
19 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | 1685 | Que., Cda | I4376 |
20 |
BOUCHARD, Pierre | 21 Jun 1758 | Que., Cda | I4424 |
21 |
BRISSET, Bernard (Courchesne) | | Que., Cda | I1518 |
22 |
BRISSET, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1520 |
23 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | 11 Oct 1745 | Que., Cda | I4365 |
24 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | 12 Jun 1755 | Que., Cda | I4367 |
25 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | 23 Aug 1738 | Que., Cda | I4359 |
26 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | 18 May 1742 | Que., Cda | I4362 |
27 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | 17 Sep 1740 | Que., Cda | I4361 |
28 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | 19 Jul 1743 | Que., Cda | I4363 |
29 |
CAMPAGNA, Etienne | | Que., Cda | I4372 |
30 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4358 |
31 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4368 |
32 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 14 Jul 1734 | Que., Cda | I4356 |
33 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | 17 Jul 1735 | Que., Cda | I4355 |
34 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Baptiste | | Que., Cda | I4369 |
35 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Marie | 26 Mar 1744 | Que., Cda | I4364 |
36 |
CAMPAGNA, Joseph | 25 Jul 1753 | Que., Cda | I4357 |
37 |
CAMPAGNA, Marie Therese | 25 Aug 1739 | Que., Cda | I4360 |
38 |
CARON, Baby | 22 Mar 1736 | Que., Cda | I4500 |
39 |
CARON, Genevieve | 11 Feb 1765 | Que., Cda | I1081 |
40 |
CARON, Jean | 1 Oct 1727 | Que., Cda | I1080 |
41 |
CARON, Marie Francoise | 27 Jul 1730 | Que., Cda | I1187 |
42 |
CARON, Marie Joseph | 18 Jan 1764 | Que., Cda | I1344 |
43 |
CARON, Michel | | Que., Cda | I4499 |
44 |
CASSE, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I1600 |
45 |
COTE, Jean | | Que., Cda | I4341 |
46 |
COTE, Simone | | Que., Cda | I4338 |
47 |
DANDONNEAU, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1526 |
48 |
DANDONNEAU, Marguerite | | Que., Cda | I1521 |
49 |
DERAINVILLE, Marie | 7 Nov 1711 | Que., Cda | I4448 |
50 |
DESROSIERS, Antoine | | Que., Cda | I4385 |
1 2 3 Next»
BurialMatches 1 to 50 of 99 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Burial |
Person ID |
1 |
BELANGER, Anne | | Que., Cda | I4447 |
2 |
BELANGER, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4437 |
3 |
BELANGER, Elizabeth | | Que., Cda | I4395 |
4 |
BELANGER, Francois | | Que., Cda | I4431 |
5 |
BELANGER, Francoise Charlotte | | Que., Cda | I25710 |
6 |
BELANGER, Genevieve | | Que., Cda | I4444 |
7 |
BELANGER, Guillaume | | Que., Cda | I4445 |
8 |
BELANGER, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I26792 |
9 |
BELANGER, Jean Francois | | Que., Cda | I2416 |
10 |
BELANGER, Louise | | Que., Cda | I24150 |
11 |
BELANGER, Marguerite | | Que., Cda | I4439 |
12 |
BELANGER, Marie Madeleine | | Que., Cda | I4438 |
13 |
BELANGER, Mathurine | | Que., Cda | I4442 |
14 |
BOUCHARD, Agnes | | Que., Cda | I4475 |
15 |
BOUCHARD, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I4422 |
16 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | | Que., Cda | I4376 |
17 |
BOUCHARD, Nicolas | | Que., Cda | I4427 |
18 |
BOUCHARD, Pierre | | Que., Cda | I4424 |
19 |
BRISSET, Bernard (Courchesne) | | Que., Cda | I1518 |
20 |
BRISSET, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1520 |
21 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | | Que., Cda | I4365 |
22 |
CAMPAGNA, Anonyme | | Que., Cda | I4367 |
23 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4359 |
24 |
CAMPAGNA, Charles | | Que., Cda | I4362 |
25 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | | Que., Cda | I4361 |
26 |
CAMPAGNA, Elisabeth | | Que., Cda | I4363 |
27 |
CAMPAGNA, Etienne | | Que., Cda | I4372 |
28 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4355 |
29 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4356 |
30 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4358 |
31 |
CAMPAGNA, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I4368 |
32 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Baptiste | | Que., Cda | I4369 |
33 |
CAMPAGNA, Jean Marie | | Que., Cda | I4364 |
34 |
CAMPAGNA, Joseph | | Que., Cda | I4357 |
35 |
CAMPAGNA, Marie Therese | | Que., Cda | I4360 |
36 |
CARON, Baby | | Que., Cda | I4500 |
37 |
CARON, Jean | | Que., Cda | I1080 |
38 |
CARON, Michel | | Que., Cda | I4499 |
39 |
CASSE, Angelique | | Que., Cda | I1600 |
40 |
COTE, Jean | | Que., Cda | I4341 |
41 |
COTE, Simone | | Que., Cda | I4338 |
42 |
DANDONNEAU, Jacques | | Que., Cda | I1526 |
43 |
DANDONNEAU, Marguerite | | Que., Cda | I1521 |
44 |
DERAINVILLE, Marie | | Que., Cda | I4448 |
45 |
DESROSIERS, Antoine | | Que., Cda | I4385 |
46 |
DESROSIERS, Jean | | Que., Cda | I4382 |
47 |
DESROSIERS, Marie | | Que., Cda | I3753 |
48 |
DESROSIERS, Pierre | | Que., Cda | I4386 |
49 |
DUBE, Pierre Rock | | Que., Cda | I62 |
50 |
FAUBE, Isabelle (Fain) | | Que., Cda | I1527 |
1 2 Next»
MarriageMatches 1 to 7 of 7